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Association of
Iranian American

AIAP May's "General Meeting"

  • 25-May-2022
  • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
  • Iranian American Center, 6790 Top Gun St #7, San Diego, CA 92121


  • Free
  • Public / Non-Members, $10 Enterance fee.

Registration is closed

AIAP May's "General Meeting." 

The meeting will be in-person.

Date: Wednesday, May 25th, 2022.

Time: 6:00 - 9:00 PM

Location:  Iranian-American Center, located at: 

6790 Top Gun St #7, San Diego, CA 92121

The event will start with a short presentation by Mr. Moh Baugheri about” Who are the business brokers and how they help the business owners”. In this presentation, he will guide us on Business Sales, Franchises, and Mergers & Acquisitions. He will talk about: Consulting on business strategy with an exit goal in mind, Business valuation to determine the value of the business, overall management of the process throughout all cycles of the business sales, from initial meetings to closing and receipt of proceeds by the seller.

~~Mr. Moh Baugheri has been a partner at Transworld since 2017 and represented business owners in multiple industries. Moh has owned several of his own businesses, primarily restaurants and retail carpet stores and has worked for Sutures Limited in Sales and Marketing for four years. Moh has a Bachelor degree in Business Administration from the University of Louisville and a Master MBA from the University of Tehran. His BRE License number is #02031891.~~

There will be a musical intermission by Sina Gharavi and Mahmoud Shamshiri.

The main presentation will be a panel discussion by Mr. Brian Ganji and Mr. Armando Munez from US Bank

Mr. Brian Ganji is a Client Relationship Consultant Manager . 

Mr. Armando Munoz is a Business Banker Consultant. 


 "Consumer banking, Business Banking, Wealth Management Banking, Mortgages."

Mr. Brian Ganji is a skilled business banking leader with extensive project management experience with motivation, coaching, planning, and executing projects with tight deadlines. He has a proven track record in managing large cross-functional teams, exceeding revenue targets, coaching to improve employee engagement, implementing key strategies, and applying analytical skills in finding solutions. Mr. Armando Mounz is a Us Bank Business Banking Specialist. Providing companies the tools and advise that they need to compete in the market place and grow their operations is his passion.

Light refreshments will be served by AIAP.

We hope to see you all there.

Please send us your questions via email to 

call us at (858)215-2427

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