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Association of
Iranian American

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Association of Iranian American Professionals, is a San Diego based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, aspiring well-being of community through professional networking events, cultural events, seminars, workshops, monthly hikes, charities and several other services.


Upcoming events

    • 15-Sep-2024
    • 7:15 AM
    • Annie’s slot Canyon in Solana beach

    AIAP September 2024 Hike

    Date: Sunday, September 15th, 2024

    Back by popular demand, our hike for September 15, 2024 is at Annie’s slot Canyon in Solana beach   

     Annie's Canyon Trail Solana Beach California - Ten Digit Grid

    Annie’s Canyon and San Ellijo Ecological Park is a 5 mile hike around the San Elijo lagoon. To avoid the excessive heat of September, we will enjoy this trail near the ocean.  We will begin on Solana Hills Dr, and walk along the trail into the canyon and then walk to the beach for breakfast at Beach.  We then return through the lagoon area and stop at the visitor center for water and return to the starting point. 

    Date: Sunday, September 15th, 2024

    Time: 7:15 a.m. we meet at 7:15 a.m. and hit the trails at 7:30 a.m. sharp.

    Place to Meet:  Solana Hills Dr. Near I-5 at Loma Santa Fe exit.  See map above, 

    Parking: at the streets nearby.

    Please bring enough water, breakfast to share and wear comfortable hiking shoes

    For more information about the trail visit HTTPS://

    Note: "AIAP does not assume any responsibility for the safety and security of hikers, and shall not be held liable for any accident, injury, loss of property or damages as a result of joining the hiking event set up by AIAP. All hikers join the hiking events at their free will and assume all the accidental dangers of a hiking event, and shall not hold AIAP liable for any bodily, financial, or property damages."

     For more information:

    • 25-Sep-2024
    • 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
    • Sufi Restaurant

    Date: September 25th, 2024

    Event Time: 6:00 - 9:00 pm

    Location: Sufi Mediterranean Restaurant - 5915 Balboa Ave, SD, CA 92111

    Nostalgic Persian Pop Music:  Alireza Mahmoodi

    In this performance, he will perform a few samples of his own music and some popular songs from famous Iranian artists including Faramarz Aslani and Vigen. 

    About Alireza MahmoodiAlireza is very passionate about Iranian traditional and pop music. He sings and plays guitar and setar. His pop music is more influenced by famous singers such as Faramarz Aslani and Vigen. His main profession is in Electronics Engineering. He has a PhD in Microelectronics.

    Presenter: Shahrokh Yadegari, UCSD Professor

    Topic: Persian/Iranian Electronic Music: Self-referentiality and Music

    Presentation: In this talk I will discuss my electronic music practice which has been formed based on the principles of Iranian/Persian classical/traditional music and poetry. The history of electronic music and musical traditions, along with synthesis and analysis techniques in the West will be reviewed. The topic of self-referentiality found in Persian poetry, natural phenomena, and our understanding of music in general will be discussed.

    About Professor Yadegari: Shahrokh Yadegari, composer, sound designer, and producer, has collaborated with such artists as Peter Sellars, Robert Woodruff, Ann Hamilton, Christine Brewer, Gabor Tompa, Maya Beiser, Steven Schick, Lucie Tiberghien, Shahrokh Moshkin Ghalam, Hossein Omoumi, and Siamak Shajarian. He has performed and his productions, compositions, and designs have been presented internationally in such venues as the Carnegie Hall, Royce Hall, Festival of Arts and Ideas, OFF-D’Avignon Festival, International Theatre Festival in Cluj Romania, Ravinia Festival, Ruhr-Triennale, Vienna Festival, Holland Festival, Tirgan Festival, Forum Barcelona, Japan America Theatre, The Pulitzer Foundation for the Arts, the International Computer Music Conference (ICMC), the Institut fur Neue Musik und Musikerziehung (Darmstadt), Judah L. Magnes Museum in Berkeley, and Contemporary Museum of Art, San Diego.

    Yadegari holds a BS in Electrical Engineering from Purdue University, a Master’s in Media Arts and Sciences from MIT’s Media Lab, and a Ph.D. in music from University of California, San Diego. He worked as a unix kernel programmer at such companies as Interactive Systems Corporation, Sun Microsystems, and ICL Inc. He has also worked at Institut de Recherche et Coordination Acoustique/Musique (IRCAM), and is one of the founders and the artistic director of Kereshmeh Records and Persian Arts Society, organizations dedicated to the preservation and dissemination of Persian traditional and new music. Yadegari is currently on the faculty of the department of Music at UC San Diego, and the director of the Sonic Arts Research and Development group and the Initiative for Digital Exploration of Arts and Sciences (IDEAS) at the Qualcomm Institute (UCSD’s branch of California Institute for Telecommunication and Information Technology).

    Language: Farsi/English

AIAP is a non-profit, non-governmental organization. Membership fees, sponsorships and your generous donations are the only supporting fund AIAP receives. Please support your own organization, for a small annual fee, by renewing your membership or becoming a new member. New memberships and renewals are valid through December 31, 2024.

By becoming a paid member of AIAP you can support your organization and help us it better serve the Iranian-American community.


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