Association ofIranian American Professionals
AIAP would like to invite you to its second virtual meeting in 2022. This will be a Zoom meeting, on February 23rd, from 7 pm to 8 pm.
Both, the Tech world and Academia can provide great opportunities for choosing a career. Our guests will discuss the excitements and challenges in each path.
Dr. Farhadi is a Security Machine Learning Engineer at Google. Before that, she has spent several years in industry and academia from Capital One to Texas Tech University. She obtained her Ph.D in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Virginia Tech in 2016. Her research interest is on embedded systems security, and Cryptography.
Dr. Zakery, a Fulbright scholar has the privilege of working in a myriad of environments-being both an educator, and a practitioner of business and management in the public and private sectors for many years. She has over 30 years of teaching, administrative, and consulting experience; having taught at all levels from undergraduate to doctorate programs in both the traditional and the on-line platforms.
In this talk, we are going to talk about the different career paths which are Academia vs Industry. There are advantages and disadvantages in both worlds. There are different aspects of each side that we may discuss starting from responsibilities to workplace culture and the impact and satisfaction each path brings. We then can move on to discussing some challenges and opportunities that different tech jobs can bring on the table.
The panel speech will be in English. Even though the time provided for this presentation is one hour, in case the Q&A segment required more time, additional time could be allocated accordingly.
This event is Free to public. At the time of meeting, simply go to the Zoom link here to join the live event.
Please send us your questions via email to
call us at (858)215-2427
You also can ask our speakers directly during the live session.
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